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2020-02-02 15:33 来源 : 涉外处
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  银行账号:0710 4320 1101 5200 0209 41




  银行账号:2200 1340 1000 5500 8964





  银行账号:4200 2203 0920 0866 203



  省民政厅联系人:綦殿学  电话:13756022788


  欢迎社会广大爱心企业、爱心人士积极参与, 衷心感谢你们的爱心奉献,并致以崇高的敬意,让我们众志成城、共克时艰!

  According to the arrangement by Jilin province leading group for novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia prevention and control, the donated money and supplies can be received by Jilin Charity Federation, Jilin Red Cross Society, Jilin Provincial Youth Development Foundation. Except for the designated donation, the donated money and supplies will be distributed by the leading group for the epidemic prevention and control in Jilin and Hubei. The use of the money and supplies will be made public in a timely manner.

  The bank account and contact for donation are as follows:

  (1) Jilin Charity Federation

  Recipient: Jilin Charity Federation

  Bank deposit: Changchun Main Street Sub-branch, Jilin Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank Co., LTD.

  Bank account: 0710 4320 1101 5200 0209 41

  Telephone: 0431-89152040, 18343002111

  (2) Jilin Red Cross Society

  Recipient: Jilin Red Cross Society

  Bank account: 2200 1340 1000 5500 8964

  Bank deposit: Changchun People's Square Sub-branch, China Construction Bank

  Telephone: 0431-88906051, 15904410224

  (3) Jilin Provincial Youth Development Foundation

  Recipient: Jilin Provincial Youth Development Foundation

  Bank account: 4200 2203 0920 0866 203

  Bank deposit: Changchun People's Square Sub-branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

  Telephone: 13314390777, 13610720777

  You can also contact QI Dianxue of Jilin Provincial Civil Affairs Department at 13756022788.

  Please specify the use and telephone number upon donation.

  We sincerely welcome and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to your active participation. Let’s work hard to overcome the difficulties with joint efforts.

版权所有:吉林省外事办公室    备案号:吉ICP备05001602号-1 网站地图

地址:长春市新发路300号    邮编:130022     

办公电话:0431-88905587 办公时间:星期一至星期五 上午:8:30-11:30 下午:13:00-17:00

(秋冬季)星期一至星期五 上午:8:30-11:30 下午:13:30-17:30(春夏季)(法定工作日除外)

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